Inner beauty: Cultivating a canvas that gives light to others

Work of art

I am sure most of you have heard the phrase “work of art”.

Have you ever thought of yourself as this? That you have been created as a beautiful piece of art? The essence of which comes from your inner beauty that radiates out for the world to see.

It seems like a very far-fetched thought and you are probably wondering what I am going on about.
But, let’s dig a little deeper…

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago”. Eph 2:10

A few definitions of masterpiece from my trusted friend Google.

1. Something made or done with great skill, especially an artist’s greatest work.
2. A work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship.
3. Art of work.

Can you imagine being hand-picked by a King to be placed on display to the world as his most valuable artwork?
What feelings come up with that thought? Where does that thought take you?

The feelings and thoughts that come up for me: I see myself with immense value. I have been chosen, set apart as a beautiful treasure. I am wanted and adored and placed in the world for a purpose. I am delighted in and given talents and gifts to bring hope to this world. I feel secure, accepted and cherished.

This seems almost a thought in a fairy-tale… a perfect world, where we are all princesses held on display by the King. A lot of you are probably checking out at this point, but hear me out.
Yes, the world is dark and negative a lot of the time and ‘perfect’ is non-existent. But what if we choose to look for those moments and search deep within ourselves to find beauty and value, which the world so desperately needs.


Still life

Your beauty is unique. Your beauty is constant. Your beauty is You.

When painting a ‘still life’ canvas, there is a deliberate focus on the object in front of you. You are assessing, looking at detail, colour, shadowing and lighting angles. I imagine the room to be quiet and peaceful.

This is the time where I am looking within, reflecting and praying. I cannot focus if the room is too noisy. I cannot focus if my mind is too busy either. And that is why it’s in the ‘still’ that I discover where I am, who I am, and who’s I am. A daughter of the King.

Try your own ‘still’ time

Find a time and place where you can be still and see where you are at in your stage of life, how you feel about it and dig deep to discover the essence of who you are (try journaling). There is so much value in spending this time with yourself. It grounds you to take on the world and show your beauty.

“Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” 1 peter 3:4
Your inner beauty is what captivates people; it is the lasting type that far outshines your physical beauty.

Interesting read on outer vs inner beauty.


Cultivating your inner beauty one brush stroke at a time

Every woman wants to be seen as beautiful and cherished. As women we strive to make our outer appearance look good. We want to be SEEN, not just noticed.

To think of all the diets I have tried, the self-loathing if I didn’t achieve my goal weight and the self-doubt that lingered, honestly its draining! I always thought if I could be thinner, if I could just fit into those shorts or look amazing in that dress, I would be happier. When I did drop some weight it did make me feel happy, but a few months later I’d go back to my old way of thinking and slip back into unhappiness. I was onto the next thing to fill my happy box, things like buying new gadgets or clothes.
I then got myself into an unhealthy relationship with food.

Binge eating. (

Over-eating gave me a feeling of satisfaction. I often felt that a full tummy made me feel more fulfilled, like I was filling a gap in me. I now realise I was trying to feed my spiritual hunger with food.
I had a very see-saw relationship with food. I loved it, but then my body hated me. I would binge and then feel bad and then the next week eat extremely healthy and then back to bingeing. Unhealthy on all levels, spiritually, mentally and physically.

How did I become better?

I prayed like crazy, I fasted, I journeyed with God and food. Most days were hard, and a few days were good. The 10 year struggle is getting better.

What I have learnt

1. Food is not the enemy. Food is there to nourish my body, to give me energy and life.
2. Cold-turkey doesn’t work for me. The more I avoid certain foods, the more I want those foods.
3. Learning moderation takes time.
4. Taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back is ok. Every week is a milestone and if I make a mistake it’s not the end of the world. It doesn’t mean I have to go back to old patterns because I’ve thrown in the towel for 1 day. It means I’m human and tomorrow is a new day to nourish my body.
5. Giving myself grace and being kind to myself.
6. Any relationship takes effort, including mine with food.
7. Perseverance. I have not perfected my relationship with food, but it has improved greatly.

I feel this journey has stretched me and grown me. It’s been extremely tough and I never ever thought it would get better. But it has. It has strengthened my character a bit more and it’s given me hope to never give up. It is at this point where beauty pushes through. I am proud of myself for making it this far and that for me, is beautiful.


Panoramic view

A panoramic view is a wide angle view of something. It allows more of the picture to be seen in a single shot.
The panoramic view of my life is my story and my journey. I cannot see the full picture of my life, but I can see the stories that form part of the bigger picture. The stories give me perspective and help me envisage a hope that is continuously unfolding. It is not seen, but it is certainly there. “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1.

Every story is a chapter, a chapter to be proud of and celebrated.


Art on display

The King’s artwork is on display for others to see the beauty it radiates, so that they might see the beauty in the world and in themselves. Remembering, that You are this artwork.
You have a story. You are on your own journey.
Your story shows people around you that they are not alone, that they do not have to be ashamed but that embracing and owning your story is empowering and healing.

When things are opened to the light, the Son warms and heals the wounded edges in us, allowing inner beauty to blossom.

Don’t be afraid to share your story. Your story is a source of life and it might be the only hope for someone in need. Your story does not define you or your beauty, but it has shaped and moulded you into strength and courage and that in itself is BEAUTY.


If you would like to share your story with me please mail me:

Life and Wholeness Coach – Durban

4 thoughts on “Inner beauty: Cultivating a canvas that gives light to others

  1. Thank you for your vulnerability. It just gives me that comfort that I am not alone. I know I am not alone . … it’s a common reassurance . But it’s always great to be reminded . I am comforted . My relationship with food is also a struggle . But it is a worthy one . As u say relationships take effort . And some days I am
    So full of self loathing … that it difficult to think. I have learned to forgive myself for the things I say to my own self .. my being . I would not put those words on a bill board. Ever !! But my King reminds me … that I am His and I am special and I matter . When ever I think of Jesus , Or even imagine his eyes … in my mind … the lies drift away . Even looking in the mirror these days telling myself straight up “GIRL YOU ARE WONDERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL!!!” Booom
    Love the blog

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